Signs You May Be a Good Candidate for Fat-Freezing
The frustration of trying something later, showing no changes, can be undeniable. In your journey to achieving a sleek figure and enhancing your attractiveness, you might modify your diet or integrate some exercise routine. Now, imagine these attempts to eliminate stubborn fat regardless of where they are situated are fruitless. Stay calm because fat-freezing Denver has helped many people, so you should not be an exception. The challenging part comes in knowing whether you are eligible for this procedure. Let’s analyze some signs you may be a good candidate for fat-freezing.
You Have Pinchable Fat
Pinchable fat usually collects mainly around the butt, hips, and belly. Fat-freezing utilizes a specialized handpiece to remove these tenacious fats below the skin. If your fat bulge is pinchable, it is time to consider freezing it immediately. Changing diet and engaging in exercises does not eliminate tenacious fat because it accumulates in notable areas while other areas trim down. Fortunately, fat-freezing can comprehensively complete the procedure of body contouring, restoring your sleek, lean body outline.
You Are Against the Downtime of Surgery

The advantage of fat-freezing is that it is simple. It involves little to no downtime or discomfort associated with liposuction, its alternative. After the procedure, you can return to your normal activities. On the other hand, with liposuction, you will have to wait for some days or weeks for full recovery, accompanied by an extended period of limited activity. Therefore, if you are against setbacks linked with liposuction, you can consider a fat-freezing procedure.
Exercise and Diet Are Ineffective
If you are considering getting rid of some body fat, you can start with a new diet and exercise routine. However, sometimes these efforts can be fruitless, meaning you must invest in a different option. Fat-freezing works perfectly and guarantees permanent results where these stubborn fats never return. Hence, if you have been trying diet and exercise without seeing any results, it is high time you consult a physician for fat-freezing.
You Have Realistic Expectations
Like other non-invasive cosmetic treatments, a client needs insights about this treatment and how long it can take to see outcomes. Based on the desired objectives and treatment region, it can take many procedures spread out over a short period for clients to achieve their goals. If you are interested in long-lasting outcomes, it is vital to set reasonable expectations. During your consultation, your provider can offer you an appropriate treatment timeline and results.
You Are In Good Health
One advantage of fat-freezing is that it causes fewer side effects and zero healing time compared to liposuction surgery. Common side effects fade after some days, such as nausea, dizziness, bruising, swelling, and reduced sensation in the targeted area. However, before investing in any aesthetic treatment, you should be healthy. The healthier you will be before this procedure, the fewer chances of experiencing side effects you will have.
Fat freezing is generally a safe, low-risk treatment. Its safety is guaranteed as it is a non-invasive procedure implying risks of side effects are rare. However, you should look for a licensed and skilled physician to reduce the possibility of slowed recovery or unintended results. Because the procedure utilizes the body’s natural response, the results would not appear immediately; thus, you should have realistic expectations. You should also schedule a consultation with your provider to confirm your eligibility for the procedure. This procedure poses some risks for people with nerve disorders and cold urticaria.